Online Fee Payment

Online Fee Payment
Non Refundable Registration / Application Fee- one time ₹ 150.00
Non Refundable Admission Fee (New Admission)₹ 1,450₹ 1,350₹ 1,350
Refundable caution deposit (New Admission)₹ 1,500.00
Tuition FeesTuition FeeTerm Fee(Paid in 2 Installments)Yearly Fee
STD. 1₹ 2,400 /month₹ --₹ 28,800
STD. 2 TO STD. 5₹ 2,440 /month₹ --₹ 29,280
STD. 6 TO STD. 10₹ 2,235 /month₹ 1,350 x 2 Terms₹ 29,520

The school academic year is divided into two terms: Term I: April to September & Term II: October to March for which the tuition & other fees shall be paid in 4 Installments (known as Payment terms).

Note : For the Fee can be paid monthly as well for the benefit of some parents. The Due date for same shall be 10 th Day of the Previous Month.

Payment mode: Cash / NEFT / Cheque /Edusprint + App

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Latest Notices
Investiture ceremony for Academic Year 2019-2020 to be held on 6-July-2019 at our School Auditorium
PT1 Examinations has been pre-poned to 15th july